Emotional Infidelity - Tremendously Effective Reasons Why Women Cheat Emotionally

You are worried sick. You are finding it hard to eat. You cannot sleep properly........you can't stop thinking, wondering if your wife is having an emotional affair. Along with worrying about how far it has gone, whether you can get her back, probably one of the questions Eharmony.com review you keep returning to is...




Why do women have emotional affairs? Why is emotional infidelity such a problem? First of all, one of the reasons is there is much more scope for having emotional affairs. Women go to work outside the home now more than ever. So they meet different people, different men, and have to spend lots of time with them. They may have to work together closely on projects. Many companies encourage their teams to socialize Lovinga outside of work, and so they end up going for drinks together too.


But none of these mean for sure she is having an emotional affair or even thinking about it. Sometimes these affairs just start because she has someone, that is not you, that she can share problems with. It is a short leap from a work problem to a home problem.


If your wife is spending twelve hours per day with someone else, and he is attentive, there for her when she wants to talk, sympathizes with her problems, then she is likely to form some sort of attachment to him.


Remember Don Juan? Casanova? These guys always work on listening to the women and bonding with them emotionally LetmeDate.com to get them ultimately into bed. They gave her all the attention she needed.


Go back in your mind to when you first started dating - when nothing was too much trouble, when you talked and talked. Communication was great, just hanging out with her and making her laugh was fantastic. You can get back to that stage, no matter what has happened before. You just need a bit of help to do that.


So what can you do?


You can give her the time and attention she needs. Keep communicating with her. Make sure you listen to her problems and be sympathetic. Of course, you have to go to work and you can't spend all your time chasing after her, making sure she is ok. But an occasional text, to see how she is doing, shows her you are thinking about her.

